Yesterday was for play …. today we work. Today’s job : essential saline warmer #willnaponthejob #dogstermagazine…
Posted by Service Dog Marea on Sunday, September 6, 2020
When Heather Bring became disabled, life became hard for her; she didn’t know where to go from thereon. So in hopes of changing her life for the better, she decided to get a service dog.
Bring has two health problems: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and Pseudotumor Cerebri. EDS weakens the connective tissue in the body while Pseudotumor Cerebri, on the other hand, causes headaches and vision problems because of the pressure in the brain. Having these two debilitating problems, living normally alone, indeed makes it hard for the Rhode Island woman.
It wasn’t until three years later that Bring was finally able to get the dog that she wanted. She met Marea, a Golden Retriever, and it wasn’t long before the two hit it off. According to Bring, she couldn’t put into words how they immediately connected, but it was incredible.
Posted by Service Dog Marea on Saturday, September 5, 2020
After getting Marea, Bring can finally do one of her favorite things: helping the environment. Before Bring suffered from her illnesses, she would often take a walk on the beach and pick up trash. Now, Marea is there to help her bend over and pick garbage up.
Bring and Marea help each other save other animals. They do this by keeping the coastal clean; the Golden Retriever would pick up the trash from the shore while Bring would carry a trash bag to collect it.
Marea shares the same love for the environment as Bring. Besides keeping the shore clean, the two also volunteer as responders for Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Program, with Marea being the first-ever dog to hold a position.
….. so, give them the can and keep them off the streets !!!!!! Never thought we would be saying that. Gloves and mask…
Posted by Service Dog Marea on Tuesday, August 25, 2020
When the organization gets a report about a seal on the beach, Bring and Marea seal sit. Seal sitting means that they monitor the seal – either by helping to detangle them from plastic or making sure that the Seals are not bothered by humans. While seal sitting, Bring educates people too about why they are doing this and how people can help mother earth in their way.
Bring is still out there on the East Coast beaches bringing change to the world thanks to her helpful and equally environment-concerned Golden Retriever. Thanks to Marea, Bring is able to have more power and confidence to help the environment and animals.
Source: Service Dog Marea via Facebook