A Good Samaritan from Los Angeles, California spotted a homeless Pitbull in an empty lot. In an instant, he decided to try and rescue her. But quickly, he realize that she was a terrified dog, and catching her proved more difficult than it seemed.
The kind man spent weeks gaining the dog’s trust. He was certain she once lived with a family so he believed that eventually, she’ll trust him. And after several weeks of hard work and endless patience, he was finally able to get close to her.
He thought that from that point forward, things would be much easier. But he also realized that the days have become hotter, and he worried for the dog’s health. And so, he reached out to the local rescue group called Hope For Paws.
As soon as they heard about the dog, JoAnn Wiltz and Kattie McKittrick rushed to the site. They raced time and beat rush hour traffic in order to make it to the rescue location right away. And once they were there, the man showed them where the dog was.
He told the rescuers the effort that he put in to gain her trust. And he was so happy to let them know that at last, she let him touch her. She finally realized that he was a good person and that he meant no harm.
To avoid spooking the dog, JoAnn decided to approach on her own. She offered the dog some cheeseburger, but she soon realized the leash on her hand kept her from walking toward her. And so, she decided to use a gentle snare and tried luring her again. Without a fuss, she was able to loop the snare around her neck.
The dog, now Oxana, fought for a few seconds, but soon calmed down when JoAnn gave her a gentle pat on the head. And when Katie placed the leash around her and assured her everything was fine, she showed her belly and demanded to play. She trusted her completely right at that very moment.
Oxana was an incredibly sweet and loving girl. She wanted to play with everyone at the clinic and befriended every stranger that came her way. No matter what she experienced in the past, she chose to stay happy and optimistic.
Credits to Hope For Paws