Most dog owners are already aware that their beloved canines can be wonderful social animals. They can be affectionate, playful, and obedient. That’s why they were given the moniker “man’s best friend.”
What most people didn’t realize, dogs can sense their human’s mood by observing facial expressions and body language. By reading their owner’s expressions and emotional displays, dogs can adjust and communicate more effectively. Also, much to some owners’ consternation, these smart pups can use this information to their advantage.
Take for example this talented Golden Retriever named Stella. Her angelic demeanor hid a mischievous personality that constantly craved for undivided devotion from her human. Her penchant for the spotlight has forced her to come up with creative ways of capturing her owner’s interest.
One ingenious way of getting her human’s attention was to get random objects and simply wait for her owner to tend to her. This peculiar habit earned her not just the much-coveted attention, but also the amusement and affection of those who witnessed it. Her targets ranged from ketchup bottles to remote controls, and even reading glasses!
Fortunately, Golden Retrievers are known to have soft mouths, so it’s unlikely these objects were seriously damaged. However, her owner probably had to air-dry some of them, most especially the electronic ones.
Most dog owners will agree that dogs can come up with such attention-seeking methods on their own. Some dogs tend to stick to the usual stuff when they want to catch their owner’s attention, like picking up their favorite tennis ball or wooden stick. Stella’s scheme worked as well, albeit a little too well as seen from the wide range of assorted items she picked up.
Stella may have been the Golden Retriever in their family, but it looked like her owner did his fair share of retrieving as well. Well played, Stella.
Photos courtesy of Travis Zander via Twitter